Adverse Event Form

The completion of the Adverse Events Form is mandatory for the reporting of any unforeseen or negative incident impacting animals involved in research, testing, or educational activities.

When unanticipated events occur, Principal Investigators should seek support from the AttendingVeterinarian (Pamela Broussard, DVM). They can aid in evaluating the situation, exploring resolutions, and facilitating the reporting process. If the level of animal pain or distress exceeds what is outlined in the protocol description the veterinarian MUST be contacted if interventional control is not viable.

An unanticipated or adverse event is defined as anything inconsistent with the routine expected outcomes that leads to unforeseen animal welfare issues (death, disease, pain, distress, etc). This can occur within sanctioned animal activities, or spontaneously as a result of allergic reaction, equipment malfunction, disease, or other causes. 

The Adverse Event Form should be completed and submitted within 24 hours of observing the event.

Please direct questions on this form to the IACUC Program Manager (Linda Hicks,


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