Online and Additional Resources

Virtual Stress Busting Kit

Montana Thrive App
Thrive by Waypoint Health is a confidential online program for people who want to take charge of their emotional well-being to lead happier, more satisfying lives. It teaches skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) a method that has helped many people deal with stress, depression, and anxiety.

Well-being Moodle Course-Moodle
Create a happy, healthy & meaningful life with our self-paced Moodle course. Learn the strategies to Boost Your Mood, Build Resilience, and Find Your Path at UM.

You at College
The purpose of the YOU@UMportal is to connect students with campus resources and other online educational tools to increase University of Montana student success. The innovative digital tool promotes self-reflection, allowing students to be more proactive with their health and well-being in order to make the most of their college experience. Students can complete brief assessments and create their profiles in order to customize content. Users can set goals and check them off once completed, peruse useful and relatable content, or search for something specific.

Using the portal, students can explore their strengths and areas for growth across three domains:
•SUCCEED = Academics / Career
•THRIVE = Physical / Mental Health
•MATTER = Purpose / Community / Social

7 Tips for Managing Overwhelming Finals
Helpful steps for students to manage their stress and overwhelming feelings during exams and finals.

Online Resources

Virtual Stress Busting Kit

Montana Thrive App
Thrive by Waypoint Health is a confidential online program for people who want to take charge of their emotional well-being to lead happier, more satisfying lives. It teaches skills from cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) a method that has helped many people deal with stress, depression, and anxiety.

Well-being Moodle Course-Moodle
Create a happy, healthy & meaningful life with our self-paced Moodle course. Learn the strategies to Boost Your Mood, Build Resilience, and Find Your Path at UM.

You at College
The purpose of the YOU@UMportal is to connect students with campus resources and other online educational tools to increase University of Montana student success. The innovative digital tool promotes self-reflection, allowing students to be more proactive with their health and well-being in order to make the most of their college experience. Students can complete brief assessments and create their profiles in order to customize content. Users can set goals and check them off once completed, peruse useful and relatable content, or search for something specific.

Using the portal, students can explore their strengths and areas for growth across three domains:
•SUCCEED = Academics / Career
•THRIVE = Physical / Mental Health
•MATTER = Purpose / Community / Social

7 Tips for Managing Overwhelming Finals
Helpful steps for students to manage their stress and overwhelming feelings during exams and finals.