Forms & Instructions

Editorial Catalog Changes

Editorial changes are made to the catalog via communication with the Registrar's Office and do not require review and approval by curriculum committees or the Senate. The Associate Registrar sends catalog copy to departments each academic year for their review and approval. Editorial changes should be sent directly to the Associate Registrar via email.

Curriculum Review

The fall curriculum deadline is September 22, 2023 for proposals to be considered by the Faculty Senate this fall. This requires proposals to be approved by the Chair, Dean, and other affected programs. Pre-planning with staff in the Provost office for Level 1 and Level 2 proposals is encouraged.

All curriculum changes are now routed through CourseLeaf for approval (CourseDog and eCurr are no longer operational). Proposals are entered into CourseLeaf by filling in the required fields (outlined in red) and by uploading any additional required forms or supplemental information. The forms do not need to be completed in one session - all work can be saved and returned to at any time. Once the form is complete and ready for submission, click on the "Start Workflow" button to begin the approval process.

Please Note - This website is currently "under construction" regarding updating the information around curriculum submission. Please disregard ALL references to CourseDog and eCurr - it will take time to scrub them from the pages of this site. 

See the CourseLeaf Handbook for detailed instructions on the navigation of CourseLeaf, including screen shots. Please note that the forms linked below should be used for planning and reference only, unless CourseLeaf contains specific instructions to upload the form. 


Use the Courseleaf Course Form to request a new Writing course (accepted in the fall only.) Use the Courseleaf Miscellaneous Form to request renewal of existing writing course.

Writing Course Teaching Resources
Guidelines / FAQs / Information Literacy / Intermediate Writing Course Assessment Rubric
Writing Center / Template Forms and Samples

Use the Program Modification Form to make slight program changes. Such as adding, changing or  removing a core course.  Effective February15, 2023 a Minor Program Modification can be made in the Courseleaf edit program function. 

Instructions / sample form

Use the Courseleaf Dual Degree Creation Form to propose a dual degree pathway between two programs that currently exist.  Students must complete the standards specified for each program. Up to nine credits in elective, non-core courses could be applied to both degrees. The Word Dual Degree Creation Form  can be used for planning purposes. 

Note: A joint degree is a combined degree that allows students to obtain a single degree with a specialization in two related fields. A joint degree requires OCHE/BOR approval (level II – new program).  

The Courseleaf New Program Form is used for:

Dual Degree Creation
Establishing a B.A.S./A.A./A.S. area of study
Establishing a campus certificate of 29 credits or less
Establishing a new postsecondary educational program
Establishing a new minor where there is a major or an option in a major
Establishing a temporary C.A.S. or A.A.S. degree program

 See Curriculum Approval Process website and Curriculum Approval Handbook 

The Courseleaf Edit Program Form is used for:
(Use the search function to find the program and then edit program button on the bottom right corner)

Exceeding the 120-credit maximum for baccalaureate degree
Consolidating two or more existing programs
Minor program modification
Offering an existing program via distance/online delivery
Permanent authorization of a Temporary C.A.S./A.A.S.
Re-titling certificate
Revising a program

See Curriculum Approval Process website and Curriculum Approval Handbook 

The Courseleaf Misc Program Form is used for: 

Request to Plan
Forming, Eliminating, or Consolidating an Academic or Administrative unit
Forming, Eliminating, or Consolidating a Center, or Research Unit
Retitling a Center, Research Unit, or an Academic or Administrative Unit
Renew General Education Designation

 See Curriculum Approval Process website and Curriculum Approval Handbook 

Use the Program Move Form / Unit Move Impact Form to process moving a unit's administrative structure. See procedure 201.73 for guidance.