Curry Health Center Billing

Although the Curry Health Center will not refuse service to any student, the student health center does not directly bill any private insurance plan, outside of the AcademicBlue student health insurance plan, for services. Charges for services are applied to the student’s account and payment is the student’s responsibility.

The Curry Health Center submits charges to the student insurance plan for members. Students who wish to have claims for services billed to their private insurance carrier are instructed to file self-claims themselves. 

The process to submit self-claims vary from carrier to carrier. This includes submitting claims to international plans. For example, some carriers require submission of claims be submitted within 90 days of service. Some require a form be completed and submitted with documentation. Information on what is required to file self-claims to your carrier can be found on their website, or by contacting their Customer Service Department.

Instructions on how to file a self-claim can be obtained by emailing your request along with your 790#, from your official University of Montana email account to For the correct instructions, please, include the type of plan you are billing (private plan, Health/Flex Savings Account, international).


The Curry Health Center is not contracted with Medicaid. Medicaid will not pay for, nor will they reimburse for, services provided by us. 

Indian Health Services

We can submit claims to them on your behalf. Please, notify the receptionist of the department you are being seen in that you are covered under these plans and they will notify the billing department.

For questions, or more information, please contact the Student Insurance Advocate at 406-243-2844 or