
Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences

The Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences is a multidisciplinary department that provides students with instruction and expertise in a diverse array of ecological and biophysical sciences. Our department offers a rigorous, stimulating and inspirational environment for undergraduate through doctoral students. Students in our programs will gain knowledge of ecosystem processes and ecological function in a biologically diverse and scenic setting. 

Department of Forest Management 

The Department of Forest Management provides students with the foundations and tools necessary for developing sustainable land management. While our home is in the diverse ecosystems of Western Montana, our activities are global. Our educational and research programs produce graduates and knowledge essential for guiding conservation, management and restoration activities that are consistent with social, economic and biological realities.  

Department of Society and Conservation 

The Department of Society and Conservation is an interdisciplinary social science department working at the intersection of society and environment. We work at local to global scales to provide education and research that advances sustainability, resilience, conservation, justice, and human well-being.