FAFSA Fact vs. Fiction

Don’t let misconceptions about the FAFSA prevent you from getting the money you need for college. Here’s the truth behind some questions you might have about filling out this critical financial aid form.

Fact: You don’t need a computer to file the FAFSA! You can access StudentAid.gov on a mobile device or request a PDF of the FAFSA – in English or Spanish – by calling (800) 4-FED-AID ( (800) 433-3243).

Fact: Filing the FAFSA is free – it’s right there in the name! Avoid any website or mobile app that requires a payment – that means it isn’t the official FAFSA site.

Fact: The simplified FAFSA form asks nearly 2/3 fewer questions than the old form, and many of the questions are answered by importing federal tax information (FTI) directly from the IRS, so you don’t even have to answer them yourself! The new form is also easier to understand. If you have questions, there’s step- by-step help right in the form and on StudentAid.gov.

Fact: The information the FAFSA collects includes things you can easily access, like your Social Security number, bank statements and driver’s license. You don’t even have to have your tax forms on hand: There’s a tool that can pull them in automatically for you!

Fact: It depends. There are many situations when you only need one parent’s information to complete the FAFSA – and you might not even need that. The FAFSA considers many different family situations, and so will your college’s financial aid office. The FAFSA form will have a “parent wizard” that will guide you through which parent(s) will need to provide information on the FAFSA.

Fact: The FAFSA not only enables you to apply for federal grants like the Pell Grant and low-interest loans, it’s also the form that states and individual colleges use to determine your need-based aid. UM recommends you file your FAFSA by April 1, 2024. 

Fact: Students who fall into certain non-citizen statuses are eligible for federal financial aid. See a list of non-citizen requirements here. Your parents’ citizenship does NOT impact your eligibility.

Fact: The FAFSA uses what’s called “prior-prior year taxes," and starting this year, federal tax information (FTI) will automatically populate in your FAFSA once you and your parent(s) have provided consent.

Need Help?

UM's Financial Aid Office will work with you to ensure you have access to the resources you need to pay for college. If you need help filling out the FAFSA, call us at 406-243-5373 or email finaid@umontana.edu.

You can also schedule a free, private session with a UM Financial Education staff member by calling 406-243-2800. In-person, virtual and phone appointments are available. You can choose a 30- or 60-minute session. 

Are you a current UM student who needs help with the FAFSA? Schedule an appointment online through your Navigate account