Identifying a Partner

  • When identifying a partner, consider your field of expertise, previous international collaborations and experience, pre-existing professional contacts, interests, and foreign language experience.
  • Contact the Global Engagement Office (Education Abroad & Partnerships) for assistance in identifying a partner - 
  • Consult UM's Global Partnerships list.  
  • Reach out to established networks of institutions committed to developing virtual exchanges, such as SUNY COIL CenterLatin American COIL Network, etc. 

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Instructional Designers (IDs) meet several times with faculty (the Subject Matter Experts - SMEs) to discuss and clarify goals and objectives for the COIL project.  The initial meeting will focus on clarifying the timeline, delivery modalities, intercultural considerations (e.g. language), learning management platform and tools (e.g. Moodle, Google Classroom, blogs, websites, Zoom, etc.), and outlining learning outcomes.  Subsequent meetings will focus on refining learning outcomes, creating assessments that match the learning outcomes, content creation, and other issues as they develop.  The SME drafts the syllabus, a list of learning outcomes, assessments, and content such as readings, descriptions, videos, and other content as appropriate.  The ID will develop the COIL project using the agreed upon learning management platform, design graphics, add and format SME-generated content on the learning management platform, ensure content is accessible, and provide expertise on collaborative, online/remote learning best practices.  

The time needed for the ID to develop the COIL project will depend on many factors including the learning management platform used, the number of instructional hours, faculty support, etc.  On average, the ID would need 4 hours to develop digital content for every hour of instruction (both synchronous and asynchronous).