Montana Honors Student Association (HSA)

The University of Montana Honors Student Association (HSA) has the closest ties to the Davidson Honors College (DHC) out of any organization on campus. Its purpose is to encourage fellowship among students, to promote a standard of excellence in all areas of student life, and to assist students in developing meaningful goals through academic, community, and social activities.

HSA Constitution

A Letter from the President

Hey, Fellow Students!

My name is Emilyn Bauer and as the President of the Honors Student Association it is my pleasure to welcome you to the University of Montana’s Davidson Honors College and Honors Student Association.

&The Honors Student Association is a student-run organization dedicated to fostering fellowship among other students and faculty members through academics, social programs, and community service. Fun and exciting events in which we seek to accomplish this goal include Trick or Eat So Missoula Eats, Undergraduate Research Night, Movie Nights, Popcorn with Professors, and much more.

As HSA is student run, it is important that we receive your input on our current and future programs. If you would like to become a part of HSA and help keep our programs fun and exciting as well as offer any new program ideas, come to our weekly meetings at 5:10 p.m.  on Thursdays in DHC 117.

I hope to see all of you there.

HSA President
Emilyn Bauer

Current Officers

Emilyn Bauer

Emilyn Bauer, President

Emilyn was born in Crow Agency, Montana and lived on the Eastern side of the state before coming to Helena, Montana her freshman year of high school. She came to the University of Montana in 2011 and is keeping very busy as President of the Honors Student Association as well maintaining her grades to stay on the Pre-vet track while taking exciting classes to complete her Ecology and Organismal major and Anthropology minor. She plans to graduate in 2015 and move to a city to practice small animal veterinary medicine. A swimmer for the past ten years, Emilyn can be found lap swimming at Grizzly pool or hanging with friends at the mall. Email:

Chase Ellinger, Vice President


Caelan Simeone

Caelan Simeone, Business Manager

Caelan Simeone was born in Polson MT before moving to Florence MT, and later Bozeman. He is currently majoring in geoscience at the University of Montana. Caelan enjoys to ski, kayak, climb, or pretty much anything that gets him outside. As Business Manager he plans to help the club accomplish all of its goals this year. Email:

Angella Molvig

Angella Molvig, Secretary

Angella Molvig is a sophomore from Glasgow, MT. She is currently studying Sociology. She enjoys reading, hanging out with friends and baking in her spare time. Email:

Mercedes Becker, Community Service Coordinator


Alexandra Green

Alexandra Green, Publicity Coordinator

Born and raised in California, Alexandra is currently a freshman at the University of Montana and a double major in political science and psychology. As publicity coordinator, she maintains the Honors Student Association's Facebook group and creates event fliers. Email: