Core Facilities

For Biological Research and Teaching

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    University of Montana Genomics Core

    University of Montana Genomics Core is a service-based core laboratory providing genetic and genomic resources to UM and other researchers. The UMGC provides technical support for molecular biology applications including Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis, Illumina library preparation and sequencing, and Nanopore sequencing, as well as consultation on protocol development.

  • plant growth chambers with lights on

    Environmental Control for Organismal Research (ECOR) Labs

    The ECOR Labs provide state-of-the-art growth chambers, equipment, and support necessary for experiments investigating plant, invertebrate, and microbe responses to controlled environmental variables. ECOR Plant includes growth chambers, greenhouse benches and headhouse space. ECOR Insect contains eight growth chambers, plus laboratory bench space and small equipment.

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    Center for Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics Cores

    The Center for Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, which includes DBS faculty and students, houses six core facilities in support of research applying the methods and concepts of biophysics, structural biology and mathematics to understand the mechanistic basis of biological processes in health and disease. The CBSD Cores include: 

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    Freshwater Research Lab (FRL) @ FLBS

    The Freshwater Research Lab (FRL) at the Flathead Lake Biological Station (FLBS) is an ecosystem science facility providing both grant/contract and fee-based analytical services. The FRL offers analyses on water, soil, air, biological, and radiochemical samples. We strictly adhere to approved methodology and quality control procedures and participate in federal and international auditing programs to ensure high quality data. We use the newest lab equipment available, thanks to a recent upgrade made possible by a grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.

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    Fluorescence Cytometry Core in CEHS

    The Fluorescence Cytometry Core, which housed in the Center for Environmental Health Sciences (CEHS), provides state-of-the-art research instrumentation utilizing fluorescence labeling of cells and tissues as well as scientific expertise to UM researchers to aid them in their efforts to unravel disease processes to ultimately benefit human health.

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    Molecular Histology & Fluorescence Imaging (MHFI) Core in CEHS

    The MHFI Core, housed in the Center for Environmental Health Sciences (CEHS), is a fully equipped histology and imaging lab designed to provide support for experiments in immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. The research centers it supports focus on neurobiology, environmental health, biomolecular structure and dynamics.

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     Environmental Biogeochemical Laboratory (EBL)

    The Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (EBL), housed in Geosciences, facilitates student, faculty, and staff-driven research projects at UM and also provides contracted analyses to on- and off-campus clients.  The EBL conducts analyses on environmental materials such as waters, rocks, soils, sediments, biological tissues, microbial cultures, etc. EBL facilities and instruments are also used for lab exercises within courses in Geosciences, Chemistry, DBS and Montana Tech.

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    Electron Microscopy Core (EMtrix)

    EMtrix supports diverse research, teaching and outreach activities that require the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Principal equipment includes a Hitachi S-4700 cold field emission SEM, which can be accessed remotely, and a staffed and equipped specimen preparatory laboratory.  Please contact Dr. Amanda Andreas to access EMtrix.