Tips & Tricks

Add your Student ID number (790#) to your email signature

Setting up your email signature is helpful for your advisor and your instructors so we can quickly pull up your information. Here are the instructions to set up your email signature in Outlook. You should include your full name, 790#, and your email. Everyone at UM will be stoked if you do this!

Organization is Key!

Learning organization skills will come in handy as you learn to balance your in-and-out-of-classroom life. Many students find it helpful to organize their classes into different colored folders and to write down all the due dates in a planner at the beginning of the semester. For more tips, visit

Balancing Fun and Work

College takes work, but it is also a time to have fun and explore your interests. The more you can balance fun and work, the happier you will be. Consider mapping out everything you do in a day and ask yourself: Does this look balanced? Did I schedule fun things or breaks throughout the day? Also, think about your class schedule in particular; are you taking classes that are fun and interesting to you? If not, can you add in one of those courses to balance out the other courses?

Attend Instructors' Office Hours

Building relationships with instructors is one of the most important things you can do in college. Meeting with them during their office hours is a way to get to know them, ask clarifying questions about coursework, and help instructors understand your overall goals for school. In several cases, the relationships you build with your instructors will shape the majority of your college experience. The more the instructors know you, the more they will be able to support you and connect you to opportunities. If you are thinking about scholarships, graduate school, research positions, or even jobs, you will likely need a letter of recommendation from instructors. Start building these relationships now so you can get the most out of your college experience.

Curiosity: Seek information, ask questions

Be curious and ask thoughtful questions to make the most of your college experience. These types of questions can sharpen your critical thinking skills and make you a more intentional communicator. Most answers are just a Google search away; if they are not, learning to formulate concise questions for your instructors, advisors, and other UM employees is a valuable skill. The search bar on the University's webpage is another excellent way to obtain information.