DUNS Number

The Data Universal Numbering Sustem (DUNS) number is Dun & Bradstreet's proprietary means of identifying business entities. DUNS numbers are institution-specific and linked to federal 1) electronic commerce, 2) grant submissions/awards, and 3) financial reporting. In April of 2022, the federal government stopped using the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities. Now, entities doing business with the federal government use a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). UM's UEI is DAY7Z8ZD48Q3. 

The University of Montana DUNS number is 010379790 and is used by Business Services, Financial Aid, and OSP for all University activities.  If "DUNS plus four" is requested, use "0000" for the suffix. Use of any other DUNS number may invalidate activities or receipt of funds, and is not allowed.

Questions?  Contact the Director of OSP.