
蒙大拿大學(UM)是世界一流的高等學府,它坐落在風景如畫、寧靜祥和的山谷中,被附近的五條山脈環抱著,讓學生時時刻刻與大自然親密接觸。本校的學生生活在友善安全的環境之中,無論是生活、學習,抑或是增進英語技能,這裡都不失為一個好地方。學生能選擇英語語言學校(ELI)的課程,更可以額外修習英語學術寫作和進階口說英語,且課程可以計入總學分。若學生尚需進一步的輔導,也能使用寫作與演講中心(Writing & Public Speaking Center)的服務。蒙大拿大學藉由優質、便捷的教育和世界一流的研究與創新型學術資源來改變學生的人生,本校將人文藝術與科學融入到學士與碩博生學習以及專業研究中,為世界公民中具有創造力以及靈活思維的學習者開拓知識的新疆域,並建立和維持多元的社群。



Welcome to the University of Montana

The University of Montana is a world-class institution of higher education, nestled in the picturesque, serene valley of five nearby mountain ranges, allowing you to succeed and connect with nature. Students who choose to study with us do so in a friendly and safe environment that is a great place to live, study and learn — while perfecting your English skills. Students can choose to study with the English Language Institute (ELI), which is a full-service ESL program. Or take English for Academic Purposes, credit-bearing courses for students who need extra support with English academic writing and speaking. Student can also use the Writing and Public Speaking Center if they need a little extra coaching. The University of Montana transforms lives by providing a high-quality and accessible education and by generating world-class research and creative scholarship in an exceptional place. We integrate the liberal arts and sciences into undergraduate, graduate and professional studies to shape global citizens who are creative and agile learners committed to expanding the boundaries of knowledge and to building and sustaining diverse communities.

At the University of Montana, students develop the skills they need to thrive in a world full of obstacles and a future full of unknowns. Here, it’s a whole new universe of learning, where students from every walk of life have access to a world-class education; where the institution, the people and the place all embody the bold, undauntable spirit of an explorer.

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