The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16-member states and territories in the western United States, allowing WICHE region students to attend select out-of-state graduate programs and pay only 150% of resident tuition.

Most students save an average of more than $15,000 per year. For a WRGP cost of attendance (COA) breakdown, visit the Financial Aid WRGP page.

States & Territories that Qualify for WRGP Tuition Reduction

Alaska Arizona California Colorado
Hawai'i Idaho Montana Nevada
New Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota
U.S. Pacific Territories Utah Washington Wyoming

UM Qualifying Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs eligible to award WRGP.

Application Process

No application is required, but the number of students that can receive a WRGP tuition reduction is limited based on your program, which can provide details.


Students who qualify for WRGP:

  1. From a WICHE state/territory listed above
  2. Newly admitted to an eligible graduate program

WRGP Selection

If you qualify for WRGP, contact your Department. If your Department awards you WRGP status, they will notify the Graduate School. You will then need to send a copy of proof of residency from your WICHE state such as driver’s license or tax return to grad.school@umontana.edu.

*If selected for WRGP tuition reduction, students cannot work toward gaining Montana residency for tuition purposes throughout the entirety of their program, unless they elect to forfeit WRGP status. Students who think they might want to attain residency are advised to begin that process immediately and not use the WRGP reduction.

  • Common indicators that a student is working toward MT residency includes changing over their driver's license, vehicle registration, and/or voter registration. If you take one of these actions, you will not be eligible for the WRGP tuition reduction.