Letter of Appointment Reappointment

Reappointments in U-Approve

Select HRS Recruitment Team Member based on employee's last name:

Employee's Last Name HRS Recruitment Approver
A-L Marcie Briggs
M-Z Jordon Wallin

LOA Increases

Select Marcie Briggs as Recruitment Approver for all increases greater than the standard increase. 

  • For increase requests greater than the standard increase for the year:
    • Upload a memo justification for the increase
    • Dean/Director; sector Vice President, and Vice President of Operations and Finance must be added as additional approvers
  • For requests that include changes to the role description:
    • Upload an updated role description
    • Add Libby Newman as an additional approver
  • The written justification must address valid points for increase such as: increased duties and responsibilities; greater levels of integration with a national or international program; advanced levels of academic achievement attained in prior year; increased levels of publication; increased levels of grant and/or personnel management; or other appropriate reason.