Photos from the 2010 Lennes Lecture

N.J. Lennes was the chair of UM’s math department from 1913 to 1944. As part of the Math Awareness Month activities in April 2010, Professor David Zitarelli of Temple University gave a colloquium talk titled “N.J. Lennes, Montana, and Mathematics in the U.S. 1892-1922”. One can read more about this subject in Dr. Zitarelli’s interesting article in the April 2009 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

group photo in front of the math building

After the talk, some of the older attendees gathered in front of the math building for a photo with Emma Lommasson, who had been the assistant of N.J. Lennes for many years.

Front: Charles Bryan, Bill Ballard, Emma Lommasson, Gloria Hewitt & Carol Ulsafer.
Middle: George Votruba, Bill Myers, and Howard Reinhardt.
Back: Rick Billstein and George McRae.

group photo in the faculty lounge

Enjoying refreshments in the Faculty Lounge:

George McRae, Bill Myers, Gloria Hewitt, Carol Ulsafer, Charles Bryan and George Votruba

Rick Billstein and Emma Lommasson in the faculty lounge

Rick Billstein and Emma Lommasson (in the Faculty Lounge).