Our Culture

We live by our FUEL values

FUEL Values

We believe in...


Which results in...


We are prepared and able to change directions when appropriate.

We have the courage to try new things and learn from failures and build on successes.

We don't accept the status quo. There's a better way to do just about everything.

We learn, grow, and adapt continuously.

Meeting the fast-changing needs and expectations of our students, faculty, and staff.

Being a trusted partner and leader of innovation.

Employees who are highly engaged, capable, and fulfilled by their work.

Unified as One        

We communicate openly, honestly, and proactively.

We share all information necessary to group success.

We ask for help when we need it, and we graciously accept help and feedback when offered to us.

We don't avoid difficult conversations.

We encourage and motivate each other to get better collectively. 

Building a safe and supportive environment to take risks and learn faster.

Enhancing creativity and our ability to solve problems and deliver solutions.


We value the range of different backgrounds people bring to their work.

We appreciate how diverse backgrounds make us better at what we do.

We strive to create an environment in which everyone can thrive.

Seeking high quality job applicants from diverse backgrounds.

Recognizing the many ways power and privilege play out in the world and the workplace and working to combat them.

Offering flexible work arrangements so people can pursue their priorities outside of work.


We seek to understand our users' challenges and aspirations.

We imagine the outcomes for users as a starting point for everything we do.

We embrace design principles that enhance our users' experience with technology.

We communicate clearly, simply, and compassionately in the language of our users.  

Making our users more productive and successful.

Enhancing our ability to lead change.

Developing deeper understanding of the purpose and impact of our work.