The Student Computer Fee Committee

Statement of Intent

Purpose: The Student Computer Fee Committee (SCFC) oversees the spending, reporting, and dissemination of information pertaining to Student Computer Fee (SCF) allocations by reviewing expenditures, managing the SCF Tech Grant process, and providing spending recommendations to the CIO.

Process: SCF committee requests and reviews proposals for technology based projects seeking to expend SCF funds. Proposals directly serving the greatest number of students in the most beneficial ways are given priority.

Proposals must include the following:

  • Description of the project, including rationale and implementation
  • Estimated number of students impacted
  • Quotes for full cost and any cost shares
  • Plan for maintenance and support

Guidance: Computing equipment and technology innovations made available for direct student use are a priority. Expenses for products or services that make technology more readily available to students may be considered. Products or services used primarily by faculty or staff are generally not accepted (note: review Student Instructional Equipment Funding (SIEF) process).  It is strongly recommended to create quotes and make purchases through GrizMart, the campus procurement system.

Employment Requests for Fall and Winter 2022 have closed.

Funding requests for Spring 2023 have closed.

Note: Duties outlined by the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education policy 940.23 allow the committee to set its own rules governing the committee’s operating details, including fee allocations.