Elections, Civil Discourse and DiverseU

Dear Campus Community,

As we approach the mid-term elections, I want to remind everyone of the importance of making your voices heard by casting your vote. Election season has become highly charged around the country, including here in Montana. We share a responsibility to become educated about issues and the positions of all candidates seeking public office in order to make an informed vote. If you are not registered to vote, you can still do so right up until the polls close on Election Day. It is not too late to educate yourself and engage in this important civic duty.

At our university we are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment for our students and community. Core to this commitment is respectful, civil discourse that can bring about greater understanding and growth – perhaps especially when views expressed differ from our own. As you participate in or take note of events on campus – such as lectures, rallies, meetings or demonstrations – please remember our shared commitment to diversity, inclusion and the respectful exchange of ideas.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the upcoming DiverseU, UM’s annual diversity symposium. Now in its 13th year, DiverseU will be held Nov. 1-2, with a campus-wide series of events focused on topics of diversity. DiverseU is committed to promoting understanding through civil discourse. Visit the DiverseU website for their schedule of events and plan to participate. This year, the schedule also is available on the UMontana app.

I appreciate the opportunity to share these thoughts with you. Have a great weekend.
