
What You Need To Know

Each ASUM-recognized student group must have a faculty or classified staff advisor. Teaching assistants cannot serve as advisors. The role and level of involvement of the faculty/staff advisor will vary from group to group, but advisors do have responsibilities and, at a minimum, are expected to:

  1. Have their name and university contact information listed as the group advisor on the groups Griz Hub and respond to inquiries as necessary.
  2. Advise and participate in the conduct of formal meetings and elections to ensure proper procedures are followed.
  3. Advise the group on the expenditure of ASUM allocated funds, if requested. It is expected that student members themselves will handle and be accountable for all of the group's business and finances.
  4. Assist the group in preparation of the Annual Spring Budgeting Allocation request, if requested.
  5. Assist the group with the completion of the ASUM Recognition Application, if requested, and keep a copy of the completed form on file.
  6. Be fully familiar with the nature of the group's activities, the risks associated with those activities, and the precautions needed to ensure the safety of members and others involved with group activities.

Advisors must be fully familiar with University Drug and Alcohol Policies, the Student Conduct Code, Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Stalking, and Retaliation Policies, University Emergency Procedures, and fulfill Campus Security Authority (CSA) requirements.

Additionally, Advisors must be prepared to enforce these policies with regard to group activities.

Advisor's Role

As a Student Group Advisor, you have the opportunity to enhance students' educational experience by sharing your expertise and enthusiasm. The role of the advisor is to provide advice, counsel, and serve as a mentor & role model.

ASUM-recognized student groups are intended to be student defined and student driven.

Advisors are encouraged to help student group leaders in brainstorming and developing ideas for club events or discussions while ensuring that the students voices are loudest.

It is not appropriate for advisors to steer the group in a direction that serves the purpose or beliefs of the advisor.

Advisors are to assist student groups in ways that are relevant to the purpose of the group.

Student groups are meant to provide experiential learning, allowing the opportunity for development that club members cannot access inside the classroom.

It is inappropriate for advisors to address personal or academic matters that are irrelevant to the activities or business of the group in a club setting.

Groups should compliment learning, culture, interest, and support rather than subsidize academics or class time.

Advisors may assist in fundraising and provide suggestions on student group accounts, however students will maintain the final say on spending.

All ASUM Allocated Funds are from student fee dollars and many groups work very hard conducting fundraisers throughout the year for their specific spending.

It is inappropriate for advisors to spend group funds, make purchases on behalf of student groups, or to influence groups into spending on behalf of a program or a department.

Purchases made through a department without communication and verification from the President and/or Treasurer in advance of the purchase will not be reimbursed.

Should an Advisor find the need to resign their position due to over commitment, leave of absence or sabbatical, or a change in position / availability, ASUM should be notified immediately. Additionally, if student members are dissatisfied with their participation or lack thereof, the group retains the right to seek a new advisor. 

In the event of either an advisor being replaced or resigning from the position, please email the ASUM Office Manager.