PI Dashboard

General Notes

  • Once the employee approves, the record will be displayed under the "Awaiting My Approval" section on the PI Dashboard and PI homepage categorical menu.
  • If an employee doesn’t have an active umontana alias, then the PI is required to approve the assigned record, both as the employee and as the PI.
  • Entries that the PI has to approve as the employee appear in the “Awaiting My Approval” section on the PI Dashboard and PI homepage categorical menu.  A record can be accessed and approved from either location.
  • Notification emails alerting users of late records are issued to the PI only, and only have a link to the PI Dashboard.

Processing PIs with Employee Records

  • PIs may be required to approve their own record twice: once as an employee, then yet again as the acting PI.
  • PIs with their own employee records will appear in the “Awaiting Other’s Approval” category until the PI takes action first as the employee.

Student Records

  • Student records are automatically approved by the system and routed directly to the associated PI for approval.

Multiple PIs assigned to an Employee Record

  • If there is more than one PI assigned, the employee record will not be complete until all PIs have certified or disapproved.
  • An employee record with multiple PIs is finalized only after the last listed PI has taken action.

Forwarding Records

  • A "Forward" button is available to PIs on the Employee View and the PI Dashboard. 
  • Only the assigned PI can forward a record.  With a forward, the PI can send approval emails to another person for approval. 
  • The designated person will receive a notification email with a link to the PI dashboard or an employee’s approval page depending on what "Forward" button was clicked. 

Annotating Corrective Actions

  • PIs are required to describe corrective actions if there is an issue or a discrepancy is found with the employee record.