Undergraduate Degrees in Spanish

The Spanish Undergraduate Program offers courses at the beginning through upper division language, literature, and culture courses leading to a major or minor in Spanish. The major in Spanish can be an academic or a teaching degree.

The first and second-year courses provide basic levels of linguistic skills to prepare the student for full participation in the upper-division program. Anyone with previous training or experience with Spanish is encouraged to take the Computerized Assessment Placement Exam (WebCAPE) and enter the program at the most appropriate advanced level in order to allow more productive use of their resources. WebCAPE is offered on an individual basis throughout the year and in a group setting at the three summer orientation sessions.

It is important to adhere to the following sequence in the upper division courses: 301 before 408; and 311, 312 before any 400 level literature course. Spanish 301 Oral and Written Expression in Cultural Contexts is a crucial entry course into upper division work since well developed speaking and writing skills are inherent to success and expected in any of the following courses. Consultation with an advisor in the Spanish Section will help keep you on track.

Major & Minor Requirements

UM Course Catalog