
Folders store other assets to provide organization and are used to create the site's navigation structure. Folders and their contained assets display in the site asset tree. Each site contains a base folder which houses all other assets of the site. 

Select a Folder

Clicking on a folder in the asset tree will toggle it open to display subfolders or other assets contained inside. To select the folder and display the list of assets it contains in the workspace, click the arrow icon that appears to the right of the folder name, or right-click on the folder and select View from the context menu.

Folder Preview

After a folder is selected, the list of assets contained within the folder display in the workspace. The assets can be sorted by name, folder order, asset type, or the last modified date. To view the assets sorted by these categories, click on their corresponding header in the list.

Create a Folder

  1. Select the parent folder in the Asset Tree where the folder will be created.
  2. Click Add Content > Folder in the Top Menu bar.
  3. Complete the following fields: 
    1. Folder Name displays the assigned name for the folder in the asset tree and in the published URL.
    2. Placement Folder displays the folder where the page is being added; click on folder to change.
    3. Display Name is used in the site navigation.
    4. Title is used by web browsers and search engines to identify the folder.
    5. Include in Navigation? is used to display or hide the page in the navigation (this is checked 'yes' by default).
  4. Click Submit

Folder Order

The folder order assigns the order in which assets will appear in the site's navigation structure, and is different than the alphabetical or chronological order used in the asset tree.

To reorder assets in a folder:

  1. Select the folder from the asset tree that you will be reordering. 
  2. Sort the assets by folder order by clicking the Order column. 
  3. Select an asset and use the Move to TopMove UpMove Down, or Move to Bottom arrow icons above the list. 
  4. You can also click and drag assets to move them up or down in the list.