
Footers appear at the bottom of every page in your website and contain content that should be accessible to visitors across your website.

Your site has three footers, the University footer, an Interactive Tour footer, and finally your Unit/Department footer. The Unit/Department footer is the only one that you can edit.

University Footer

The bottom footer that has white text on a maroon background is the University of Montana footer. Everything displayed in this footer is maintained by the web team and cannot be altered.  

Screenshot of University of Montana footer

Interactive Tour Footer

Above the University footer is the YouVisit footer. This is an interactive tour of the University focused on prospective students and their parents/guardians. 

picture of the Interactive Tour footer

Unit/Department Footer

The footer with white text and a gray background is your Unit or Department footer and contains information specific to your Unit or Department. You can add and edit the information in this footer.

Screenshot of a Unit/Department footer

To edit the information in this footer, go to the asset tree and select cms > blocks > Site Footer. Then select Edit in the top right of the workspace window.


Contact the Web Support Services via email to have your footer image changed. The default is the University of Montana logo.

Footer Options

If you check either Resource Links or Social Media Menu, options for those will appear below Contact Information.

Contact Information

Update Address, phone number and email.


You can add a list of links to other pages on your website or to external links.

  1. In the Label field, enter what you want for link text.
  2. Choose Internal or External link.
    1. Internal - browse to the page or file you want to link to.
    2. External - Paste in the URL you want to link to.

Social Media Menu

  1. Paste in the URL of the social media page you want to link to.
  2. In the Type field, select the social media platform from the dropdown menu. This will add the appropriate logo to your footer.
  3. To add a new social media link, click the green + symbol in the right-hand of the window. 
  4. To reorder the links, click the up or down arrow on the appropriate link.
  5. To delete a link, click the red X next to the link.