Factoid Showcase

The Factoid Showcase block highlights the most interesting facts about a program. This block is required for all programs and will be located as the first block. 

You provide 3 or 4 factoids for this block.

Video: Factoid Showcase Tutorial

Create a Factoid Showcase block

  1. Create the block.
    1. Click Add Content in the Top Menu Bar.
    2. Select Blocks > Row Blocks > Factoid Showcase.
  2. Factoid Showcase.
    1. Select Row Type. Grid Type is currently unavailable.
    2. Heading Level - Select Heading Level.
    3. Large Impact Text - Enter the text you want most prominently featured for this particular factoid.
    4. Add Number Modifiers to Impact Text? - If you check the Yes box, you will be given the option to add a Number Modifier either Before or After the Large Impact Text.
    5. Sub Text - Enter the smaller Subtext in this field.
    6. Click the green + symbol to add another Factoid.
  3. Submit.
    1. When you have added all the content, click the blue Preview Draft button in the top right of the editing window. 
    2. Then click the blue Submit button in the top right of the editing window.
  4. Attach the block to your page.
    1. Select or create the Row you want to attach the Block to.
    2. Set the Row Content Type to Row Block.
    3. Click the Choose Block button in the Block field then navigate to and select the Block you just created.
    4. Click the blue Choose button in the top right.

Montana is the fourth largest state by area in the country.


Montana is home to 7 tribal colleges.


There are 440 bird species documented in Montana.