Pay Now Button

The Pay Now Button will allow you to receive payment for a class, summer camp, or other item through your website. This will require you to work with Business Services to set up a TSYS account, and Web Technology Services to help get this block onto your website.

Contact Business Services

  1. Email Barb Bybee at and they will assist you with setting up a TSYS account and can provide instructions as well as tutorial videos.
  2. When your account is created you will be able to create and manage templates for your pay now button.
  3.  Once you have set up your button, generate the required HTML to embed it.

Contact Web Technology Services

  1. Email WTS at with the HTML you generated above, as well as instructions for where you would like the button placed.
    1. The Pay Now Button functions the same as other Row Blocks, and is required to be in a row by itself. 
  2. We will set up your button and publish it live.

Example of the Pay Now Button

an example of the Pay Now Button